Dr. Kevin L. Burke received the Bachelor of Arts Degree in psychology and recreational studies (double major), with a minor in sociology from Belmont Abbey College in 1982. He also played on the men's tennis team and was a N.A.I.A. All-district 26 Tennis Team nominee in both singles and doubles play. Dr. Burke received the Master of Arts degree in social/organizational psychology from East Carolina University in 1984 and doctoral degree in sport psychology from Florida State University in 1988.
A charter member and past Secretary-Treasurer of the Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology (AAASP), Dr. Burke also served on AAASP's original Executive Board as the first Student Representative. Having published many research and popular articles, Dr. Burke is currently an associate editor for the Journal of Sport Behavior and on the editorial board for Strategies. He has served as guest reviewer for the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, The Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, and as Associate Editor for the AAASP Newsletter. Dr. Burke has also served as a Research Dissemination Committee member of the Research Consortium of the American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, and as a Research Works contributing editor for the Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance.
Dr. Burke has assisted college and professional athletes from various sports as a sport psychology consultant and is a "Certified Consultant, AAASP." His current research interests are in concentration, psychological momentum, humor, sport officials, and the effectiveness of intervention techniques in sport. Dr. Burke has served as a college and high school basketball official for 15 seasons and as head coach of three N.C.A.A. Division I tennis teams. Dr. Burke is an active tennis, basketball, and softball player.